ken doll cake
You’ve landed here after looking for information about the Ken doll cake we made for a customer. This controversy definitely took us by surprise.
We make cakes – and lots of other amazing things. A customer requested a Ken doll cake and we were happy to make it. She was thrilled with the cake when she picked it up. We were especially proud of the buttercream detailing, so we decided to post a photo of the cake to our Facebook page (as we do with many of the cakes we design and adore). We received some lovely responses along with negative feedback. We deleted some comments that we felt weren’t helpful to anyone. A few days later, we noticed a large number of un-likes on our Facebook page and realized this was a result of our Ken doll cake post. We re-posted the picture asking for support from our Facebook friends. Luckily, we received encouragement and so much more from fans, devoted customers, and staff.
We believe there is no better way to celebrate something special than with a wonderful dessert. We remain proudly committed to creating delicious and remarkable cakes that make our customers feel seen, loved and celebrated.
Walter & Marlene Goetzeler
Owners, Freeport Bakery